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What Happened to The Jake and Tanner Show? Details

Wisconsin radio show 'The Jake and Tanner Show' has lost its spot on the radio, but they're planning to launch a new show on Patreon.

The Gist:

  • The Jake and Tanner Show has been canceled by KISS 95.9 in Wisconsin, but Jake and Tanner plan to start their own show on Patreon.
  • Jake and Tanner said that they were fired because the station wanted to move in a different direction on the show without their involvement.

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Although there are still plenty of people who listen to the radio as part of their regular routines, the industry has gone through tremendous turmoil. Services like Spotify and podcasts have emerged as competition for people's listening time. There has been plenty of disruption for the radio industry in recent years, and now, that disruption has come to Wisconsin.

On Nov. 16, 2023, The Jake and Tanner Show announced that it would no longer be broadcasting on 95.9 KISS in Wisconsin. Following the news that the show was coming to an end, many regular listeners of the program wanted to know what happened.

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What happened to Jake and Tanner?

In a Facebook live posted on Nov. 16, Jake and Tanner explained that they had been fired from KISS. The duo first hinted that they had been let go in a post on Facebook on Nov. 15.

"Thank you all for your love and support. We will be doing a Facebook Live tomorrow to clear the air and let you know what we have coming next. We love you, say it back," the duo wrote on their page.

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Then, in the Facebook Live, Jake and Tanner explained what had happened in more detail. The duo explained that things have been emotional for them both over the past 24 hours, and they also said they were upset that they got fired on a Wednesday, of all days.

Jake and Tanner explained that the station wanted the show to go in a different direction without them, adding that they bore no ill will toward the station.

Jake and Tanner are going to launch a podcast.

Following the announcement that they had been fired, Jake and Tanner said that they would be launching a podcast that would be supported through Patreon. They explained that the podcast would attempt to replicate the formula they had developed on their radio show, offering a show every day that was intended to be listened to during a morning commute. With a podcast, though, people could listen to episodes at their own speed.

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Source: Facebook/The Jake and Tanner Show

The Patreon fee will be $5 per month, and they said that it would launch with a Facebook Live episode on Nov. 27. After that, the episodes will be behind the Patreon paywall so that Jake and Tanner can continue to support themselves and feed their families. They said that the change was unexpected, but that they were excited for what comes next.

In the comments under their videos, many users weighed in to say that, while they may not have much money, they would be willing to pay $5 to get access to Jake and Tanner on a regular basis. It's clear, then, that the show will have at least some sort of audience.
