Does Susan Glasser have any children? What are the names of Susan Glasser's children? What are the ages of Susan Glasser's children?
Susan Glasser Children: Theo Baker
How old is Susan Glasser? When is Susan Glasser's birthday? Where is Susan Glasser born? Where did Susan Glasser grow up from? What's Susan Glasser's age?
Susan Glasser Born: 1969 (age 54years), Montclair, NJ
Is Susan Glasser married? When did Susan Glasser get married? Who's Susan Glasser's married to? (Who's Susan Glasser's husband / wife)?
Susan Glasser Spouse: Peter Baker (m. 2000)
How about Susan Glasser's parents?
Susan Glasser Parents: Stephen Glasser, Lynn Glasser
How about Susan Glasser's education?
Susan Glasser Education: Harvard University
Are Susan Glasser and Peter Baker a couple?
Personal life. In 2000, he married Susan Glasser in a civil ceremony. His wife has been a reporter and assistant managing editor at The Washington Post, the editor-in-chief of Foreign Policy magazine, the founding editor of Politico Magazine, the editor of Politico, and a global affairs analyst for CNN.
Who is married to Peter Baker?
Personal life. In 2000, he married Susan Glasser in a civil ceremony. His wife has been a reporter and assistant managing editor at The Washington Post, the editor-in-chief of Foreign Policy magazine, the founding editor of Politico Magazine, the editor of Politico, and a global affairs analyst for CNN.