How old is Michael McGlinchey? When is Michael McGlinchey's birthday? Where is Michael McGlinchey born? Where did Michael McGlinchey grow up from? What's Michael McGlinchey's age?
Michael McGlinchey Born: January 7, 1987 (age 36years), Wellington, New Zealand
Is Michael McGlinchey married? When did Michael McGlinchey get married? Who's Michael McGlinchey's married to? (Who's Michael McGlinchey's husband / wife)?
Michael McGlinchey Spouse: Rachel McGlinchey
How about Michael McGlinchey's parents?
Michael McGlinchey Parents: Norrie McGlinchey
How about Michael McGlinchey's current team?
Michael McGlinchey Current team: Weston Bears FC
When did Mike McGlinchey get hurt?
2021 seasonOn May 1, 2021, the 49ers picked up the fifth-year option on McGlinchey's contract. The option guaranteed a salary of $10.9 million for the 2022 season. He suffered a torn quadriceps in Week 9 and was placed on injured reserve on November 10, 2021, ending his season.
How much does Mike McGlinchey make?
2018-2022Entry Level. Mike McGlinchey signed a 4 year, $18,341,721 contract with the San Francisco 49ers, including a $11,419,434 signing bonus, $18,341,721 guaranteed, and an average annual salary of $4,585,430.
How many sacks did Mike McGlinchey give up this year?
Career Offensive Line Stats | ||
Year | Team | Sacks Allwd |
2021 | SF | 1.00 |
2022 | SF | 6.00 |
Totals | 26.50 |
Who is Mike McGlinchey engaged to?
Brooke Rhoades and Michael McGlinchey's Wedding Website.