How old is Melissa Newman? When is Melissa Newman's birthday? Where is Melissa Newman born? Where did Melissa Newman grow up from? What's Melissa Newman's age?
Melissa Newman Born: September 27, 1961 (age 61years), Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, United States
Is Melissa Newman married? When did Melissa Newman get married? Who's Melissa Newman's married to? (Who's Melissa Newman's husband / wife)?
Melissa Newman Spouse: Raphael Elkind
How about Melissa Newman's parents?
Melissa Newman Parents: Paul Newman, Joanne Woodward
How about Melissa Newman's sibling?
Melissa Newman Sibling: Nell Newman, Scott Newman, Claire Olivia Newman, Susan Kendall Newman, Stephanie Newman
Does Melissa Newman have any children? What are the names of Melissa Newman's children? What are the ages of Melissa Newman's children?
Melissa Newman Children: Henry Elkind, Peter Elkind
Where did Melissa Newman go?
She graduated from Sarah Lawrence College in 1988. Newman is married to Raphael "Raphe" Elkind, a middle-school teacher. They reside in Westport, Connecticut, in the 19th-century home previously owned by her parents.
How old is Melissa Newman?
Melissa Newman looks uncannily like her mother, the actress Joanne Woodward, the blonde hair, striking features and innate confidence shining through. Her white T-shirt is etched with the face of her father, screen legend Paul Newman, although the signature underneath the face is nothing like his, she says, laughing.
Is Melissa Newman related to Paul Newman?
Melissa Newman looks uncannily like her mother, the actress Joanne Woodward, the blonde hair, striking features and innate confidence shining through. Her white T-shirt is etched with the face of her father, screen legend Paul Newman, although the signature underneath the face is nothing like his, she says, laughing.