How old is Luisa Neubauer? When is Luisa Neubauer's birthday? Where is Luisa Neubauer born? Where did Luisa Neubauer grow up from? What's Luisa Neubauer's age?
Luisa Neubauer Born: 1996 (age 27years), Hamburg, Germany
How about Luisa Neubauer's parents?
Luisa Neubauer Parents: Frauke Neubauer
How about Luisa Neubauer's books only?
Luisa Neubauer Books only: Beginning to End the Climate Crisis: A History of Our Future
How about Luisa Neubauer's education?
Luisa Neubauer Education: University of Gttingen (20152020), Marion Dnhoff High School (2014)
How about Luisa Neubauer's nationality?
Luisa Neubauer Nationality: German
How about Luisa Neubauer's grandparent?
Luisa Neubauer Grandparent: Dagmar Reemtsma
What did Luisa Neubauer do?
Luisa Neubauer, born in Hamburg in 1996, is one of the world's best-known climate activists. The geography student lives in Gttingen and Berlin. Most recently, she and Alexander Repenning published 'Vom Ende der Klimakrise' (2019) and with Bernd Ulrich 'Noch haben wir die Wahl' (2021).
When was Luisa Neubauer born?
Luisa Neubauer, born in Hamburg in 1996, is one of the world's best-known climate activists. The geography student lives in Gttingen and Berlin. Most recently, she and Alexander Repenning published 'Vom Ende der Klimakrise' (2019) and with Bernd Ulrich 'Noch haben wir die Wahl' (2021).
Where was Luisa Neubauer born?
Luisa Neubauer, born in Hamburg in 1996, is one of the world's best-known climate activists. The geography student lives in Gttingen and Berlin. Most recently, she and Alexander Repenning published 'Vom Ende der Klimakrise' (2019) and with Bernd Ulrich 'Noch haben wir die Wahl' (2021).