WITH spring in full swing, it's likely you've started paying a bit more attention to your gardens and driveways.
But if you've left them untouched over the winter months, chances are you've spotted pesky weeds popping up through the cracks.

Well, no fear! Expert gardener Fiona Jenkins has spoken exclusively to Fabulous Digital to reveal her cheap and easy tips to help banish them once and for all...
1. Pull The Weeds Out
Fiona, MyJobQuote’s gardening guru, says if you just have a few weeds here and there, you may be able to get rid of all of the weeds by hand.
"Removing the root is the most important thing to remember when pulling up weeds by hand," she explains.
"Pull carefully at the base of the weed to make sure it's pulled out completely."
She notes that if you're pulling up nettles, always wear gloves.
"If you struggle to pull the roots up with just your hands, consider investing in a weed pulling tool," she advises.
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2. Use Lemons to Kill The Weeds
The gardening whizz points out you can easily kill weeds with something as simple as a lemon.
"Simply cut a lemon in half and then squeeze the juice over the weed," she says.
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"The citric acid in the lemon should kill the weed within a few days."
The gardening guru goes on to say how this method is especially effective when there's strong sun shining on the weeds.
"The lemon juice can be used as it is, there is no need to dilute it," she continues.
"Alternatively, you can get some powdered citric acid and mix this with water in a spray bottle.
"Then, simply spray the weeds with the solution."
3. Use Salt to Kill The Weeds
According to Fiona, salt can also be effective at killing weeds.
"Sprinkle some salt liberally over the weed and leave it there," the gardening pro says.
"This should kill off the weed within a few days."
Fiona goes on to say how salt is also great for deterring insects and slugs, but warns: "Be careful not to sprinkle the salt on the surrounding lawn and this could kill off some of the grass."
4. Use Eco-Friendly Weed Killers
The gardening whizz also points out that while many weed killers can be quite toxic and dangerous, there are now many eco-friendly weed killers available to buy.
"These solutions usually come in a spray bottle and tend to be relatively cheap to buy," the gardening guru says.
"Simply spray the solution directly onto the weed and leave it to do its thing.
"These eco-friendly weed killers will usually kill off the weeds within a few days."
5. Use a Vodka Solution
For weeds that get a lot of sunlight, Fiona suggests using a vodka solution made from 1 part vodka and 2 parts water.
"Add a couple of drops of liquid dish soap to the solution," she says. "Put this solution in a spray bottle for easier application.
"Spray the solution directly onto the weed and this will dry the weed out and kill it off."
However, she warns: "Be sure to avoid spraying the solution on the surrounding grass as it'll also dry out your grass and make it look quite unappealing."
6. Use Boiling Water
The gardening guru also believes that boiling water is a great way to help kill off weeds.
But she says to avoid getting the boiling water on the surrounding areas of grass as it could cause some damage.
"Boil some water in the kettle and take this outside," she explains.
"Then, pour the boiling water directly on the weed. This will cause the weed to burn up."
Bargain Weed-Killing Products
Vitax SBK Ready to Use Tough Weedkiller 1L
According to Fiona, this weed killer, which can be bought for just £5 from Wilko, is "perfect for eliminating a wide range of weeds including docks, brambles, nettles, and tough weeds."
She explains: "It kills both the weed and the root so the weed doesn’t grow back.
"It's fast and convenient and the formula has the added benefit of being safe for grass, so wandering sprays won’t affect your lawn."
Spear & Jackson Xtra Tough Weed Killer 1L
Fiona points out that this £4.29 weed killer, which is sold in B&M, is also great because it "kills both the weeds and the roots."
She goes on to explain how it's super easy to use.
"Simply spray over the weeds and it'll kill of the weeds and roots, plus, prevent further growth," she says.
"This ready to use spray can cover over 30m2 so it’s perfect for typical UK household gardens."
Bright Spark: Weed Burner With Piezo Ignition
Sold for just £9.99 in Home Bargains, the gardening pro says this weed killer allows you to burn weeds and destroy their cell structure with the self-igniting piezo system.
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"It has an adjustable flame and ergonomic handle design for safety and ease of use," Fiona explains.
"If you’re looking for a way to kill off your weeds without any hazardous chemicals, this is a great option."