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Funniest Celebrity Dog Names: Sid Vicious, Sirius Black and More

Celebrity dog owners — they’re just like Us! As with many other dog lovers, famous pet parents love choosing goofy names for their pups. And some celebs have gotten crazy creative with their campy canine cognomens!

Here are some of the funniest:

Jessica Alba named her pug Sid Vicious in a tribute to the late Sex Pistols punk rocker.

Rachel Bilson named her mixed-breed canine Thurman Murman in honor of the Bad Santa character.

Christie Brinkley has a Labradoodle named Maple Sugar whom she calls her personal trainer.

Simon Cowell is the owner of pups Squiddly and Diddly, whom he plans to clone, as he announced in December 2018.

Ariana Grande, a big Harry Potter fan and admitted Slytherin, named her tail-wagger Sirius Black in a tribute to Harry’s wizard godfather.

Chelsea Handler once owned a German Shepherd-Chow Chow mix named Chunk, who passed away in 2018 but still has more than 115k followers on Twitter.

Audrey Hepburn had a Yorkshire terrier named Mr. Famous who costarred with her in the 1957 film Funny Face.

Christina Ricci was spotted walking her dog Sheriff Steve Goldberg in 2006.

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Eric Stonestreet had a rescue beagle-Jack Russell mix named Coleman Hawkins — after the famous saxophonist — but the late pup’s other names included Bubba and Coleman The Patrolman.

Check out the video above to see more celebs and their beloved dogs.
