How old is Darius Butler? When is Darius Butler's birthday? Where is Darius Butler born? Where did Darius Butler grow up from? What's Darius Butler's age?
Darius Butler Born: March 18, 1986 (age 37years), Frankfurt, Germany
How about Darius Butler's sibling?
Darius Butler Sibling: Denzel Butler, Brianna Butler, Darell Butler, Michael Butler, Joseph Butler, Monet Butler, Mitchell Butler
How about Darius Butler's education?
Darius Butler Education: University of Connecticut, Coral Springs Charter School 6-12
How tall is Darius Butler in meters or centimeters?
Darius Butler Height: 1.78m
How about Darius Butler's number?
Darius Butler Number: 28 (New England Patriots / Dimeback), 20 (Indianapolis Colts / Cornerback), 27 (Carolina Panthers / Cornerback)
How about Darius Butler's weight?
Darius Butler Weight: 84kg
How about Darius Butler's 40 yard dash time?
Darius Butler 40 yard dash time: 4.41seconds
Is Darius Butler a Hall of Famer?
Darius Butler is a nine-year NFL veteran and co-host of The Man to Man Podcast with 14-year NFL vet Antoine Bethea. On April 15th, he was inducted into the Coral Springs Charter School Hall of Fame at Runyon's Restaurant in Coral Springs.
When did Darius Butler retire?
Darius Butler Retired in 2017Darius Butler, a nine-year NFL veteran, retired after the 2017 season. After playing with the New England Patriots, Carolina Panthers, and Colts, Butler had accumulated 124 games in the league. He played both corner and safety during his career.
What teams did Darius Butler play for?
After being drafted by the New England Patriots in the second round of the 2009 NFL Draft, Butler played with the Pats and the Carolina Panthers before joining the Indianapolis Colts where he played for six seasons.