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Fame | Blaise Ingoglia net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Blaise Ingoglia? When is Blaise Ingoglia's birthday? Where is Blaise Ingoglia born? Where did Blaise Ingoglia grow up from? What's Blaise Ingoglia's age?

Blaise Ingoglia Born: November 4, 1970 (age 52years), Queens, New York, United States

How about Blaise Ingoglia's education?

Blaise Ingoglia Education: Queens College, City University of New York, Brooklyn College

How about Blaise Ingoglia's party?

Blaise Ingoglia Party: Republican Party

How about Blaise Ingoglia's current position?

Blaise Ingoglia Current position: Member of the Florida State Senate since 2022

How about Blaise Ingoglia's previous position?

Blaise Ingoglia Previous position: Member of the Florida House of Representatives (20142022)

Who is the senator for Hernando County?

Senator Blaise Ingoglia

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Who is the senator Bracy in Florida?

Randolph Bracy III (born April 23, 1977) is an American politician who is a member of the Florida Senate from the 11th district. Bracy's district includes parts of central and northwest Orange County. Bracy is the first African American to serve as Chair of the Criminal Justice Committee.

Who are the senators for Orlando?

The state is currently represented by Republicans Marco Rubio (serving since 2011) and Rick Scott (serving since 2019).
